*Eligibility for Worldcoin (WLD) tokens is restricted based on geography, age, and other factors. WLD are not available to, or intended for, people, companies or organizations who are residents of, or are located or incorporated in the United States or certain other restricted territories (or have beneficial ownership in the United States or such other restricted territories). However, World ID and TFH’s World App remain available in the United States. For details, go to: https://world.org/legal/user-terms-and-conditions. Crypto products can be highly risky. Important User Information can be found at https://world.org/risks.
**Grants are not available to, or intended for, people or companies who are residents of, or are located, incorporated or have a registered agent in, the United States or certain other restricted territories. More details can be found in the Human Collective Grant Disclaimer.
***Grant recipients will be responsible for any tax payable on the grant in their home jurisdiction, as applicable. World Foundation may, at its discretion, choose to make grants directly in USDC or a similar stablecoin type asset, rather than in WLD. This approach provides flexibility to the Foundation to take into account a variety of commercial and regulatory considerations given the global nature of the grants program and the Foundation’s objectives of transparency, sustainability and regulatory compliance.