In countries where it’s available, orb-verified World ID holders can register for the monthly WLD airdrop (formerly known as grants).
After registering for the WLD airdrop, you’ll be assigned the total amount of WLD tokens* you can receive over the course of the next 12 months. These tokens will unlock gradually every month, and as they do, you can claim them to be received in your digital wallet.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to how it will work.
Claiming your WLD airdrops
Step 1: Download a wallet
The first thing you’ll need to do to claim your monthly WLD airdrop is download a World ID-compatible wallet like World App, built and operated by project contributor Tools for Humanity.
Step 2: Verify your World ID
To ensure each person can only claim their WLD tokens once, you’ll need to verify your World ID at an orb. This helps protect the fairness of the project while keeping your identity and your actions anonymous.
Find orb verification locations in World App or on the Worldcoin website.
Step 3: Register for the WLD airdrop
Once you have a wallet and verified World ID, you can register for the WLD airdrop in World App. When you do this, you’ll be assigned the total amount of WLD tokens you can claim over the course of the next 12 months (currently 65 WLD as of the date of this publication).
The earlier you register for the WLD Airdrop, the more tokens you will receive.
Even if you don’t yet have an orb-verified World ID, you can see the amount of WLD tokens you would be eligible to claim. This number is the same for everyone around the world at any given time*, and it is updated live every second until you register.
Step 4: Claim your first share promptly
Upon registering, your first portion of WLD tokens will be available to claim in 24 hours. Simply verify with your World ID to claim them to your wallet.
Step 5: Claim your remaining tokens monthly
Your remaining WLD tokens will be unlocked gradually over the course of one year. Each month, on the anniversary of you registering to the WLD Airdrop, a new portion of your tokens will be unlocked. This means they are now available to claim with your World ID to receive in your wallet.
Any unlocked tokens that you don’t claim by the following month will expire and return to the community pool.
Using the app, you can always see your total WLD assigned, track the progress as it gets unlocked over time, and see when your next tokens will unlock. You can also optionally enable reminders so you don’t forget to claim when they do.

Interestingly your monthly unlocks will not exactly be 1/12 of your assigned WLD. They will actually begin larger than that, and gradually become smaller every month. In contrast, in previous versions of the WLD Airdrop unlock amounts were instead updated less often but more sharply. Importantly, this change will not affect the total amount of tokens each person can receive, and the amount you unlock across the 12 months will still add up at least to the amount you are assigned.
Interestingly your monthly unlocks will not exactly be 1/12 of your assigned WLD. They will actually begin larger than that, and gradually become smaller every month. In contrast, in previous versions of the WLD Airdrop unlock amounts were instead updated less often but more sharply. Importantly, this change will not affect the total amount of tokens each person can receive, and the amount you unlock across the 12 months will still add up at least to the amount you are assigned.
Interestingly your monthly unlocks will not exactly be 1/12 of your assigned WLD. They will actually begin larger than that, and gradually become smaller every month. In contrast, in previous versions of the WLD Airdrop unlock amounts were instead updated less often but more sharply. Importantly, this change will not affect the total amount of tokens each person can receive, and the amount you unlock across the 12 months will still add up at least to the amount you are assigned.
Interestingly your monthly unlocks will not exactly be 1/12 of your assigned WLD. They will actually begin larger than that, and gradually become smaller every month. In contrast, in previous versions of the WLD Airdrop unlock amounts were instead updated less often but more sharply. Importantly, this change will not affect the total amount of tokens each person can receive, and the amount you unlock across the 12 months will still add up at least to the amount you are assigned.
Interestingly your monthly unlocks will not exactly be 1/12 of your assigned WLD. They will actually begin larger than that, and gradually become smaller every month. In contrast, in previous versions of the WLD Airdrop unlock amounts were instead updated less often but more sharply. Importantly, this change will not affect the total amount of tokens each person can receive, and the amount you unlock across the 12 months will still add up at least to the amount you are assigned.
Interestingly your monthly unlocks will not exactly be 1/12 of your assigned WLD. They will actually begin larger than that, and gradually become smaller every month. In contrast, in previous versions of the WLD Airdrop unlock amounts were instead updated less often but more sharply. Importantly, this change will not affect the total amount of tokens each person can receive, and the amount you unlock across the 12 months will still add up at least to the amount you are assigned.
The monthly WLD airdrop (formerly bi-weekly WLD grants) begins on August 1, 2024. For already orb-verified World ID holders, the only change will be a new monthly schedule that’s designed to make your claiming experience more consistent and easier to remember.
The WLD Airdrop is operated by the Worldcoin Foundation and remains subject to change or cancellation at its sole discretion. Terms and conditions apply, more information here.
*Eligibility for Worldcoin (WLD) tokens is restricted based on geography, age, and other factors. WLD are not available to, or intended for, people, companies or organizations who are residents of, or are located or incorporated in the United States or certain other restricted territories (or have beneficial ownership in the United States or such other restricted territories). However, World ID and TFH’s World App remain available in the United States. For details, see the Worldcoin Foundation’s User Terms and Conditions. Crypto products can be highly risky. Important User Information can also be found at www.worldcoin.org/risks.
The above content speaks only as of the date indicated. Further, it is subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and so may be incorrect and may change without notice. A full disclaimer can be found in our Terms of Use and Important User Information can be found on our Risks page.