Earn $WLD
Earn high rewards on your WLD tokenEarn high investment returns on your $WLD tokens (25% - 200% variable yearly return). Investment returns are made possible by other traders who pay fees to you, the liquidity provider, when they trade $WLD token. How does the yearly return work? the yearly return comes from Uniswap trading fees earned by providing liquidity, either across the full price range (passive) or within a narrow range (concentrated, making capital more efficient). In high-volume markets, frequent trades generate significant fees, allowing APY to exceed 100%. For example, if $100 of liquidity was used to facilitate $100 in daily trading volume with a 1% trading fee, then the daily return would be $1 (1%) in rewards. The yearly return rate will fluctuate frequently with market conditions. The ratio of USD coin and WLD you hold will also vary based on the current price of WLD (impermanent loss).