Ocean Dict
web3 Marketing SaaS / Anti-Bot web3 formocean dict. is “web3 marketing SaaS” for Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, web3, NFT, Dapps, BCG, and Protocol projects. Anti-Bot functions are implemented for campaigns of token distribution campaigns, such as Airdrop, Giveaway and Allowlist. It is used in more than 60 blockchain projects and has about 100,000 users. [ocean dict.] https://www.ocean-dict.com/en [ocean dict. official-site] https://ocean-dict.xyz/en [ocean dict. FAQ] https://medium.com/@ocean.dict/ocean-dict-web3-form-faq-224feef6af56 [Company] https://medium.com/@ocean.dict/about-the-company-that-operates-ocean-dict-septeni-incubate-inc-b6df12df79c1 Parent company https://www.septeni-holdings.co.jp/en/ https://www.dentsu.co.jp/en/
How it works
ocean dict. offers a web3-specific campaign application form. You can participate in the ongoing campaign at the following URL. https://www.ocean-dict.com/en/ To apply, you will need a crypto wallet (such as Metamask) and a social networking account, which is a condition of application for each project. About Sign Up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdvcMro10c0
How to connect
How to authenticate World ID (Worldcoin) / ocean dict. https://medium.com/@ocean.dict/how-to-authenticate-world-id-worldcoin-ocean-dict-21d4e6e07481